Gas, Pellet, or Wood
When you choose a new fire appliance or plan a new fireplace construction, it’s important to choose the type of fireplace that best fits you. The type of fuel you choose will determine the control you have over your fire, the heat output, and the resources required to keep the fire going day after day. Talk with an expert at Beach Stove and Fireplace, we can match you with the best product for your home and family.
Gas Fires
The most convenient fuel option is of course gas. It is the cleanest burning fuel, and it offers a fairly easy install. It is low maintenance and easy to use. Gas fireplaces come with a push-button light and precise temperature control. Your model may even have a remote control so that you can light and control your fire from the comfort of the couch. These appliances offer the most convenience and the less maintenance than other models. They also offer a beautiful flame that has the look and warmth of a wood fire.
Pellet Fires
Pellets are a wood product made from recycled wood materials. They burn cleanly and hot, with fewer emissions than wood, but with all the beauty and ambiance of a wood flame. Pellet appliances offer wood heat, but without the mess or trouble that comes with wood. You can ignite your pellet fire immediately, and the pellet hopper even feeds the fire consistently so that you don’t have to continuously reload it through the night and it burns while you’re away.
Wood Fires
The wood fire is the age-old favorite. They are especially popular among homeowners with their own wood source. They create high heat, but they also offer beautiful and vibrant flames. Wood fireplaces, inserts, and stoves are more efficient and economical than ever before. When you use them properly alongside seasoned firewood. They are easy to use, light, and maintain. You can utilize your forested acreage by investing in a wood fire appliance. Talk with one of our professionals today to determine which is best for you.
Once you’ve determined the best fuel for you, you can choose the right appliance for your home and family. At Beach Stove and Fireplace, we can help you determine the best appliance for your space, budget, and heating needs.
- Fireplaces can be installed anywhere. We install tunnel fires, linear tabletop fires, traditional “brick and mortar” fireplaces, and more.
- Stoves can be installed anywhere that a vent is installed. They come in models ranging from traditional and rustic to sleek and contemporary and feature fire-viewing windows. They have ceramic logs that look vibrant and life-like. Wood fires even come with a space to store some firewood. Using special refractory panels and firebricks, we can install stoves even in tight spaces.
- Inserts are retro-fitted directly into your firebox. They are a popular option for those who wants to avoid firebox rebuilds or chimney repair. An insert is a closed unit that burns efficiently and vents through a pipe up the chimney or an opening in the wall (direct vent insert). Direct vent inserts, like stoves, can be installed in any space or room where a vent can be installed.
Call a Beach Stove and Fireplace professional today at 631-998-0780 or visit our store to check out all of the options we offer.